Exclusive Offer For CSMPS Business Development & Marketing Symposium Event Attendees

Hey, it’s Ralph again!

I want to sincerely thank you for attending my recent presentation at the CSMPS Business Development & Marketing Symposium!

While I trust you enjoyed the session and left with some meaningful takaways, I want to present you with an opportunity to dive even further into the content we discussed + more.

As your exclusive bonus for being an event attendee, I’m offering you 15% off your first year in Growth Through Learning Academy! (You can sign up using code CSMPS15 on the Checkout Page to claim this offer today).

What You’ll Gain Access To

Growth Through Learning Academy is an online, at-your-pace learning environment designed to equip you with the key skills AEC employers are actively looking for, so you can position yourself as the best choice for the roles, raises, and promotions you’ll be contending for throughout your career.

Our current course collection covers Personal Branding, Priority Management, Business Development, and Consultative Sales. We will be adding new courses to the Academy several times each year, and increasing the price accordingly.

By joining today, you’ll be signing up at the lowest price we’ll ever offer, and locking yourself into the lowest yearly renewal price for the duration of your subscription to the Academy.

To learn more, check out the official Academy Page.

To sign up today and make use of your exclusive offer code, head to the Checkout Page and make sure to use code CSMPS15 for 15% off your first year.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside!

– Ralph

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“Career Advancement For AEC Professionals”

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Popular Career Paths For AEC Professionals · Common Mistakes That Stall AEC Careers · The Importance Of A Growth Mindset · The Most Effective Way To Build Your Personal Brand · How To Get More Done And Achieve Your Goals Faster · The Economics Behind Higher-Paying Positions · The Number One Skill For Accelerating Your Career

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