There Are No Silver Medals In Sales: 5 Tips To Ensure You Take Home Gold

by Growth Through Learning, Quick Reads

There Are No Silver Medals In Sales: 5 Tips To Ensure You Take Home Gold

Your clients want to deal with a winner as much as you do.

When you look for a solution you don’t set out looking to find the second best option.

You’re going to choose to do business with whoever you determine to be the best, because you know the results you’ll receive depend on the quality of your choice.

The same is true for the clients you seek to serve. If you don’t stand out to them as the best possible option for them to move forward with, you won’t be winning the business.

That’s the harsh reality of sales – there are no silver medals.

5 Ways To Win At Sales

Instead of accepting that you’re not the best and settling for the marketplace’s ‘leftovers’, you need to position yourself to surpass your competition and win the business of the clients you seek to serve.

To help you succeed, we’ve compiled a list of five ways you and your organization can become gold medalists in sales.

1. Know The Value Of Your Offers

Assess what you provide – your product or service – to ensure that it is unique and of high value.

If you don’t know what it’s worth beyond its price, you won’t be able to sell based on value and you won’t be able to make a strong argument for why your clients should buy from you instead of your competition.

2. Play To Your Strengths

Determine which things you’re not good at, which you don’t like doing, and which aren’t profitable, and STOP doing them.

Get this right and watch your performance and profitability improve immediately! (Too many people try to be all things to all people and end up being nothing to anyone).

3. Understand Why Clients Choose You

Ask your clients why they continue to deal with you as opposed to switching to your competitors.

You may feel hesitant to ask your clients this question, but this is the only way you’re going to find out the true source of your value to that client. Once you’ve uncovered what your customers feel you’re the best at, you can focus on promoting that aspect when you sell moving forward.

4. Make Your Value Known

Ensure that others know why they should be doing business with you.

Do you have experience and expertise no one else can claim? If yes, make it known! This may feel uncomfortable, but don’t let it stop you. (Remember: If you fail to make your value known, you can’t be surprised when people fail to know your value!)

5. Charge What Your Services Are Worth

Don’t undersell yourself or apologize for your fees/rate.

If you’re good, you should be paid for the value you provide, NOT the time you spend. This is a tough one for many sellers who live by a “pay by the hour” mindset. Remember, people will happily pay you $10,000 if you enable them to make or save $100,000 as a result of your work.

Don’t Settle For Silver

Keep the above advice in mind and the next time you need to sell your services, you’ll be able to do so with the confidence that comes from being a true sales champion.

“If you do not see yourself as a winner, you cannot perform as a winner.” Zig Ziglar

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